What Are Damages And How Much Can You Expect After An Accident?

Accident victims already know all about their damaged car, their impacted physical condition, and the state of their minds after a wreck. Those things are all forms of damage that can be translated into dollars and cents. If you have been hurt in an accident that was not your fault, you may be owed money damages for several aspects of the accident. To help accident victims better understand what is meant by the term "damages" and how each damage translates to compensation, read on.

Medical Treatment Costs – This form of damage can run to several thousands of dollars for even the most minor of accidents and injuries. Accident victims are entitled to be paid for every penny of medical expenses and that includes the hospital bills, ambulance ride, surgeries, doctor's fees, durable medical goods, rehabilitation (inpatient and outpatient), medication, and more. If your injury is more serious and will require more treatment later, you are also entitled to be paid for future medical needs.

Pain and Suffering – This damage category covers the pain, discomfort, and emotional impact an accident has on the victims and their loved ones. There are several methods of figuring out pain and suffering payments. As a victim, you can help ensure you are paid for pain and suffering by keeping a pain journal, seeking medical care, staying in treatment, and keeping up with your medical expenses.

Lost Wages – Most victims lose at least some time from work, and the financial impact of the loss of income can be devastating. You are entitled to be reimbursed for any time missed from work. Expect to present a pay stub, bank statement, or tax return to prove income to your personal injury lawyer.

Lost Personal Property – The items you lost or that got damaged as a result of the accident are all forms of damage. That category covers your clothing, handbags, cell phones, tablets, and child car seats. You cannot reuse a child car seat once it's been involved in a wreck, even if it looks fine to you.

Lost Transportation – Finally, you might not have a vehicle for several weeks, or possibly more, after a wreck. If you have access to public transportation or ride-share option, keep all receipts. If you must rent a vehicle, you can be reimbursed. Keep up with all tolls, parking, and the use of transportation, and submit them to your lawyer.

If you have been hurt in an accident, it's vital that a personal injury lawyer works with the other driver's insurer to get you what you deserve. Speak to a lawyer about the above forms of damages at your first opportunity.

For more information about how personal injury lawyers can help with car accident cases, contact a local law practice.
