Drivers are expected to show due care when they are operating a motor vehicle. Some drivers fail to drive safely when they are sick because being sick can be distracting and exhausting. If you are hit by a driver who is sick, you still have the right to seek compensation for your injuries.
Why Driving While Sick Can Be Dangerous
A driver who is sick might not be paying attention and may even fall asleep while behind the wheel.
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When you are going through a personal injury and dealing with the potential legal fallout, you may have been warned not to get on social media. Social media is a great way to tell your friends what is happening in your life, but it can also have a very negative impact on your case.
So, should you be posting on social media when you plan to sue somebody for a personal injury in court?
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All employers are required to carry a workers' compensation insurance policy that covers medical bills and lost wages if an employee is injured while on the clock. In the majority of cases, submitting a workers' compensation claim is a simple process that an employee can do one their own. However, there are situations where things can get complicated, and legal representation may be needed. If your workers' compensation claim becomes complicated, your best bet is to hire an experienced workers' compensation lawyer.
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Getting into a minor fender bender can be harsh enough to leave you shaking and full of anxiety. Any event that happens unexpectedly is capable of rattling you to your very core, regardless of how small it may appear in the eyes of another person. If your vehicle is damaged or if you have to visit the emergency room, your plans for the day will likely have to take a backseat.
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Swimming pools are considered a part of premise liability law. A pool owner is responsible for making sure that their properties are reasonably safe and may be held financially responsible if anyone becomes injured while using the swimming pool. There are several issues that might arise from a swimming pool that might lead to you deciding that it is a good idea to contact a personal injury lawyer.
Common Reasons for Liability
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