Hire A Personal Injury Lawyer For Your Sexual Assault Case

After a sexual assault, one of the lest things you might think about is money. Whether or not a criminal case happens, you actually may have a personal injury case. This is especially the case if you are left with permanent damage, whether it is physical or not.

You can benefit from a civil lawsuit if you have experienced a personal injury. Personal injury lawsuits can cover physical pain, emotional pain, medical bills, and more. This is what you need to know about filing a lawsuit after a sexual assault.

What Damages Can You Recover After a Sexual Assault?

After a sexual assault, you may be able to recover a variety of damages. The most common damages may include those related to physical injuries and medical bills. You can also pursue damages for emotional pain and suffering, issues like PTSD and depression, and the costs associated with sexually transmitted infections from the interaction.

How Can You Prove Your Personal Injury Case?

A variety of different types of evidence will help you prove your personal injury case. The evidence you use in court will demonstrate that you have suffered financially, physically, or emotionally from the assault. This is very similar to other types of personal injury cases with the addition of a stronger emotional component.

If you have already been through a criminal court case, you may use some of this information in your personal injury case as well. You may also use medical records, police reports, witness statements, and photos to prove your case.

When Should You File a Personal Injury Case?

Keep in mind that your case may have a statute of limitations you are running up against. Each state may have a different statute of limitations, and the age you were when the incident occurred may have something to do with it. For example, minors may have longer to file personal injury claims.

The answer is simple: you should speak with a personal injury attorney as soon as you believe you are ready to pursue a case.

What Can a Personal Injury Attorney Do For You?

A personal injury lawyer can do a lot for you. They help you find the evidence you need to make your case, and they also represent your interests in court. They may even be able to help you get a settlement so your case does not have to go to trial.

Call a personal injury attorney today to discuss your sexual assault personal injury case. You may be able to recover some of your losses. 
